總有一天﹐ 一定會自食其果。。。
壞事﹐ 並不是殺人放火。。。
生命可不能 take 2 oh!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My little monster sick :(
This morning reached office, the first thing is to make myself a cup of hot coffee... Ei.. my son sick... wake up few times .. really not enuf sleep...
- He slept at 10 pm ++,
- 12 ++ wake up... coz not feeling well, keep 'lau kai'... make noise and crying... finally make him sleep...
- 3 am ++ again, this time pressing his stomach and shout papa and pointing at the door... (telling that he is hungry)... father sleep on the matterss on floor, he thoght the father is outside there... so father made him milk.. but later he want to sleep back.. took like 1/2 hr, like cannot sleep.. fever + running nose make him not confortable... so started to play with the pillow, treat our pillow as 'horse' to ride and enjoy it.. (fainted). Finally sleep back....
- 5 am ++ 1 more times... this time feel his body quite 'hot'.. force him to eat the medicine... cried out.... but later fall into sleep due to the medicine...
finally me can have a rest till 7 am ++.. ei.. have to wake up for work :(
Hopefully he can get well soon, seeing him keep 'lau kai' and crying, feel heart broken as I cannot do anything, just hug him... :(
God bless him ya.. i hope i am the one who sick...
- He slept at 10 pm ++,
- 12 ++ wake up... coz not feeling well, keep 'lau kai'... make noise and crying... finally make him sleep...
- 3 am ++ again, this time pressing his stomach and shout papa and pointing at the door... (telling that he is hungry)... father sleep on the matterss on floor, he thoght the father is outside there... so father made him milk.. but later he want to sleep back.. took like 1/2 hr, like cannot sleep.. fever + running nose make him not confortable... so started to play with the pillow, treat our pillow as 'horse' to ride and enjoy it.. (fainted). Finally sleep back....
- 5 am ++ 1 more times... this time feel his body quite 'hot'.. force him to eat the medicine... cried out.... but later fall into sleep due to the medicine...
finally me can have a rest till 7 am ++.. ei.. have to wake up for work :(
Hopefully he can get well soon, seeing him keep 'lau kai' and crying, feel heart broken as I cannot do anything, just hug him... :(
God bless him ya.. i hope i am the one who sick...
Friday, April 20, 2007
不需要珍藏 , 而是珍惜。
這篇文章若你讀過不妨再讀一遍 ,感覺真是不同。
美麗的東西其實不需要珍藏 , 而是要珍惜。
好友拍拍身邊的沙發讓我坐下,待我擦乾了眼淚,她叫先生把輪椅推過來。 看見嶄新的輪椅心頭又是一痛,看著好友的先生把她抱上輪椅,感覺真是觸目驚心,她曾經有多美的一雙腿啊!
好友又拿出個白色的鞋盒,打開來是雙漂亮的白色 六英寸 高跟鞋,她說:這鞋和裙子是配對的。
我最遺憾的是我再也不能穿漂亮的裙子了 .....
我懷抱著這件美麗昂貴的裙子、披肩、皮鞋坐在車內,腦子裡好友傷殘的雙腿和美麗的裙子交疊在一起不停地閃現,心痛到抽搐成一團那些 "重要的日子 "、 "特別的日子 "也許將來還會出現在她的生活 ?,但漂亮的露著小腿的裙子和美麗的 六英寸高跟鞋已經不存在於她的字典裡了。
我的淚又湧出來:她買了好久,她以為總有一天她會穿上,她一直在等一個特別的日子 ……先生摟過我 ,撫著我的頭髮:那個特別的日子從來沒有來,是嗎?
那是我陸陸續續買回來的,有的只在過年請客時用過 一兩 次,有的從來沒用過。
每次用完都趕緊收起來,怕被孩子打碎,總想等孩子長大到不會失手打碎的年齡再拿出來用的,但我發現我一直都覺得他會打碎,不管他是 2歲還是 12歲。
下一次下一個生日還會來,我甚至想 .........或者到兩個人都老得走不動了的時候再寫給他也不晚。
現在我知道並不是所有的 "明天 "都會一如既往地站在前面等我,我必須把對他的那些愛與感激隨時告訴他。
我還打電話給一家影城,告訴他們我要訂三張週末的《哈利波特》的電影票,兒子說過很多次想讓我陪他去看他喜歡的一些電影,但我總覺得自己很忙,抽不出時間陪他去看那些兒童電影,往往要他等,等到天氣好的時候、等到我心情好的時候、等到我有時間的時候 ........
總是一拖再拖,拖到所有的電影院都放過一遍了,那個 "天時地利人和 "的時間總也還沒到來。
而孩子也已經過了不需要我陪著看電影的年齡,漸漸長大離家,只留給我一個匆匆的背影和永久的遺憾 ——
這時他坐在沙發上,把其中一張挑出來給我看:這處不錯,離東湖很近,在自己家裡就可以看到湖水,院子裡有網球場和游泳池,有大片的草坪和鮮花 ……
我們可以先付頭期款,剩下的向銀行貸款,那樣我們可以住到全家人都喜歡的地方,你累了可以去樓下打球游泳,孩子和他的朋友也可以打球 ……
美麗的東西其實不需要珍藏 , 而是要珍惜。
好友拍拍身邊的沙發讓我坐下,待我擦乾了眼淚,她叫先生把輪椅推過來。 看見嶄新的輪椅心頭又是一痛,看著好友的先生把她抱上輪椅,感覺真是觸目驚心,她曾經有多美的一雙腿啊!
好友又拿出個白色的鞋盒,打開來是雙漂亮的白色 六英寸 高跟鞋,她說:這鞋和裙子是配對的。
我最遺憾的是我再也不能穿漂亮的裙子了 .....
我懷抱著這件美麗昂貴的裙子、披肩、皮鞋坐在車內,腦子裡好友傷殘的雙腿和美麗的裙子交疊在一起不停地閃現,心痛到抽搐成一團那些 "重要的日子 "、 "特別的日子 "也許將來還會出現在她的生活 ?,但漂亮的露著小腿的裙子和美麗的 六英寸高跟鞋已經不存在於她的字典裡了。
我的淚又湧出來:她買了好久,她以為總有一天她會穿上,她一直在等一個特別的日子 ……先生摟過我 ,撫著我的頭髮:那個特別的日子從來沒有來,是嗎?
那是我陸陸續續買回來的,有的只在過年請客時用過 一兩 次,有的從來沒用過。
每次用完都趕緊收起來,怕被孩子打碎,總想等孩子長大到不會失手打碎的年齡再拿出來用的,但我發現我一直都覺得他會打碎,不管他是 2歲還是 12歲。
下一次下一個生日還會來,我甚至想 .........或者到兩個人都老得走不動了的時候再寫給他也不晚。
現在我知道並不是所有的 "明天 "都會一如既往地站在前面等我,我必須把對他的那些愛與感激隨時告訴他。
我還打電話給一家影城,告訴他們我要訂三張週末的《哈利波特》的電影票,兒子說過很多次想讓我陪他去看他喜歡的一些電影,但我總覺得自己很忙,抽不出時間陪他去看那些兒童電影,往往要他等,等到天氣好的時候、等到我心情好的時候、等到我有時間的時候 ........
總是一拖再拖,拖到所有的電影院都放過一遍了,那個 "天時地利人和 "的時間總也還沒到來。
而孩子也已經過了不需要我陪著看電影的年齡,漸漸長大離家,只留給我一個匆匆的背影和永久的遺憾 ——
這時他坐在沙發上,把其中一張挑出來給我看:這處不錯,離東湖很近,在自己家裡就可以看到湖水,院子裡有網球場和游泳池,有大片的草坪和鮮花 ……
我們可以先付頭期款,剩下的向銀行貸款,那樣我們可以住到全家人都喜歡的地方,你累了可以去樓下打球游泳,孩子和他的朋友也可以打球 ……
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Training at Amcorp
Having a 3 days training course in Menara Amcorp...
Terrible jam... wondering how the ppl work in KL have to face it everyday... maybe like CutiePrincessMommy that try to find something interesting during the jam.. but to the impatient ppl like me, really TORTURING !!!!
Day 1: I took LRT as I need to rush from Puchong to my MIL hse (in cempaka, near P.indah).. late... asking my hubby to drop me half-way at LRT station...so From Star LRT change to Putra to get to Amcorp... fine... Way back the same... found really crowded in Putra-Masjid Jamek station.. and found out that.. ppl are queueing to get into the train..(seldom saw m'sian did that :p)
Day 2: Drive there... took me about 45 min to reached there... Is raining on the way back... DAMN !!! it took me 2 HOURS to reach cempaka (P.Indah)... stuck in the jam coz of rain for 2 hrs... really get me crazy on that...
Day 3: Morning is jam... reached there already 9 am ++.. luckily the lecture start late (he used to start late)... wasting our time alot... becoz of his bad time managment, which we suppose to go back earlier, end up finsih at 6pm (course is from 9-5pm) ...luckily today no jam... and i use different way to go back...
Today really happy, use back the way to office (Kuchai lama).. then smooth and happy driving !!!
Know tat WokkingMum is taking a break now... a bit worry on her... hope she can take care of herself as well.. else the kids recover but the mommy fall into sick pula.... Wish her all the best!!!
Terrible jam... wondering how the ppl work in KL have to face it everyday... maybe like CutiePrincessMommy that try to find something interesting during the jam.. but to the impatient ppl like me, really TORTURING !!!!
Day 1: I took LRT as I need to rush from Puchong to my MIL hse (in cempaka, near P.indah).. late... asking my hubby to drop me half-way at LRT station...so From Star LRT change to Putra to get to Amcorp... fine... Way back the same... found really crowded in Putra-Masjid Jamek station.. and found out that.. ppl are queueing to get into the train..(seldom saw m'sian did that :p)
Day 2: Drive there... took me about 45 min to reached there... Is raining on the way back... DAMN !!! it took me 2 HOURS to reach cempaka (P.Indah)... stuck in the jam coz of rain for 2 hrs... really get me crazy on that...
Day 3: Morning is jam... reached there already 9 am ++.. luckily the lecture start late (he used to start late)... wasting our time alot... becoz of his bad time managment, which we suppose to go back earlier, end up finsih at 6pm (course is from 9-5pm) ...luckily today no jam... and i use different way to go back...
Today really happy, use back the way to office (Kuchai lama).. then smooth and happy driving !!!
Know tat WokkingMum is taking a break now... a bit worry on her... hope she can take care of herself as well.. else the kids recover but the mommy fall into sick pula.... Wish her all the best!!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
10 reasons why I married my hubby
Tagged by JollyAngle..cum WokkingMum. ^_^
Knew him for 1 yr ++ then start 'pak to' for 2 yrs + ... marriage life about : 3 yrs ++ wow... ngam ngam 7 yrs leh... dunno got "7 years itchy" or not .. CHOI !!!!
me very lazy in writing lar... Can i just put in point form + some little elaboration? heheh
Knew him for 1 yr ++ then start 'pak to' for 2 yrs + ... marriage life about : 3 yrs ++ wow... ngam ngam 7 yrs leh... dunno got "7 years itchy" or not .. CHOI !!!!
me very lazy in writing lar... Can i just put in point form + some little elaboration? heheh
- He will help when I exhausted. He will help everythign when i need him...no matter what jobs is it, some men will refuse on helping certain thing ,etc ...
- Confident. He is very confident on himself, which I dont really have with me... try to learn from him ..
- Fast decision maker. He can make a very firm decision once decide. Sometimes, once I had made some decisons, i not really firm on it... So he will help me to analysis the situation and explain every point to me ...
- Good temper. Hehe... Ppl that know me and him, always said I bully him... coz i am impatient ppl, u know, impatient means temper not so good also lor.... is good that 1 hard and 1 soft, if not, everyday sure 'bang' till 'pong pong' sounds...
- Know exactly what is his direction. He know exactly what he want or he should do at certain stage, which me always blur on what is my directions... and he will lead me to the right path when i out of track :p
- Good looking ... hehe.. pai say lar.. he looks 'good' to me... very leng chai..hahah.. oklar... u no need to believe me lar.... kekek...
- Cloth matching - I see some wives like need to do the matching job for the hubby... for cloth. This is no such works for me, he know exactly what cloth to buy for himself and how to match ... Less works for me.
- He will buy me gift/flowers on our annerverseries, my birthdays, valentine days.. since we start pak toh... Frankly speaking, i dont want him to spend tat money... u know .. is very exp, esp during 'peak season'. But of coz i will very happy in receiving it... This yr, i insist asking him not to buy it... if he is very very rich, then i dont mind, but i think i prefer the same amt of $$ to use in other more meaning and needed place.
- He no smoking, no alcoholic beverage for him. I dont like smokes smell... alcoholic i not really rejected, but too dpends on it will raise a lot of problems...
- Of coz ... he Loves me... hehe.. the most important thing must put 'last' mah...he loves me, my son ... our Family.. He will do whatever thing that good for us... spend $$ for exp toys... exp present.. just if he found we like it....
You know what, when i start writing the points.. i think i cannot write 10 points here... but when i start typing... all the points just come to my mind and my hand just continue type w/o pause...and like wan to write more but already reach Point 10. heheh... so... u can guess what i means ya...
I wish we can hand hold hand when we like 70-80 yrs old, walking in the park peacefully everyday ... Wish my dream come true ya....!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Buzy.....and something interesting..
Times flying ... especially stay in my MIL hse ... like pass very fast.. today is wed already..hehe..
Recenlty very very busy with office works, and my company servers not so stable.. every week gives us problems for different issues, really tire on it... But of coz, learning new things and new 'lesson' as well, hopefully the lessons will stop for a while and let us have enuf rest ... : )
"Cheng Meng" just pass, and found something 'interesting' during this time... Let me share ya...
One of my fren need to go pray for 5 torms...5 torms in 4 different locations.. imagine during the 'peak' season and terrible traffic , have to go in 1 days, damn tire.... Thus, she suggested MIL to prepare the thing earlier and they go as early as possible... She told me her MIL steam 1 chic and use for 5 torms... here the story started....
After listen to her, i saw 1 news on the net...
A business man dream about his parent, complaint to him that they nothing to eat during the 'cheng meng'... said only got chic bones... After he wake up, wondering what's wrong with it, coz they had brought 1 chic there to pray the parent torm... Later he found out from the old ppl that... they go for the grandparent torm first.. and go to parent torms.. using the same chic... So old ppl said... must be the grandparents finised the chic and left the bones onli.. so when they go pray the parent using the same chic.. is actually left bones.... :D
This is the 1st time i heard of this , Believe or not... is depends ya... :)
p/s: I had forward the url to my 'fren'.. she said should let the hubby/MIL to view it as well ^ _ ^
Recenlty very very busy with office works, and my company servers not so stable.. every week gives us problems for different issues, really tire on it... But of coz, learning new things and new 'lesson' as well, hopefully the lessons will stop for a while and let us have enuf rest ... : )
"Cheng Meng" just pass, and found something 'interesting' during this time... Let me share ya...
One of my fren need to go pray for 5 torms...5 torms in 4 different locations.. imagine during the 'peak' season and terrible traffic , have to go in 1 days, damn tire.... Thus, she suggested MIL to prepare the thing earlier and they go as early as possible... She told me her MIL steam 1 chic and use for 5 torms... here the story started....
After listen to her, i saw 1 news on the net...
A business man dream about his parent, complaint to him that they nothing to eat during the 'cheng meng'... said only got chic bones... After he wake up, wondering what's wrong with it, coz they had brought 1 chic there to pray the parent torm... Later he found out from the old ppl that... they go for the grandparent torm first.. and go to parent torms.. using the same chic... So old ppl said... must be the grandparents finised the chic and left the bones onli.. so when they go pray the parent using the same chic.. is actually left bones.... :D
This is the 1st time i heard of this , Believe or not... is depends ya... :)
p/s: I had forward the url to my 'fren'.. she said should let the hubby/MIL to view it as well ^ _ ^
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Life in MIL hse
Mmm.. few days liao... in my MIL hse, started last thursday, and we go back fri nite... Monday morning go again...
Looks good... at least i no need to bother about the dinner.... my MIL cook for that... hehe... no wokking jobs for me over there... :p
My son... he looks ok.. as got a 'fren' playing with him all the times... his cousin sister.. a 3 yrs ++ girls... nap is less but still got, as we bring the salong over there.... According to my MIL, everyday 5.30 pm onwards, he will start looking for me.. stare at the door , make noise and asking my MIL to bring him out ... when i reach home... you can imagine... he will stick me like koala bear .... :( ... i have to carry him for like 15 min, then onil slowly tipu him then fast fast go up and take shower...
Yday, i not yet go into the hse, already heard he cried loud... my MIL is carrying him... she said.. once he saw my car outside, start to cry loud, like very 'ke lian' and 'chai leong' (cantonese)... tears keep dropping, i saw also heart pains... but a while onli, i carry him and he stop crying...
Mm... 1 thing he worrying me is no 'ng ng' in the 'Ah Ma' hse... thurs and fri, no 'ng ng'.. fri nite reach home... sat and sun at home, he got 'ng ng' at home.. .monday again no... Luckiy tues noon he got ... and this early monring also got... ~phew~
My colleague (guy)... said how come u tok over phone with yr hubby.. the first hting is not like 'have you eat? etc' but is 'SHIT OR NOT?" (actually checking with my hubby the son got shit or not)...hahahahah... I told him, one day when he become father, he will know.. the thing that worry the parent everyday is :- the kid shit or not? eat or not? sleep or not?? .... he will know 1 day... ^ ^
Looks good... at least i no need to bother about the dinner.... my MIL cook for that... hehe... no wokking jobs for me over there... :p
My son... he looks ok.. as got a 'fren' playing with him all the times... his cousin sister.. a 3 yrs ++ girls... nap is less but still got, as we bring the salong over there.... According to my MIL, everyday 5.30 pm onwards, he will start looking for me.. stare at the door , make noise and asking my MIL to bring him out ... when i reach home... you can imagine... he will stick me like koala bear .... :( ... i have to carry him for like 15 min, then onil slowly tipu him then fast fast go up and take shower...
Yday, i not yet go into the hse, already heard he cried loud... my MIL is carrying him... she said.. once he saw my car outside, start to cry loud, like very 'ke lian' and 'chai leong' (cantonese)... tears keep dropping, i saw also heart pains... but a while onli, i carry him and he stop crying...
Mm... 1 thing he worrying me is no 'ng ng' in the 'Ah Ma' hse... thurs and fri, no 'ng ng'.. fri nite reach home... sat and sun at home, he got 'ng ng' at home.. .monday again no... Luckiy tues noon he got ... and this early monring also got... ~phew~
My colleague (guy)... said how come u tok over phone with yr hubby.. the first hting is not like 'have you eat? etc' but is 'SHIT OR NOT?" (actually checking with my hubby the son got shit or not)...hahahahah... I told him, one day when he become father, he will know.. the thing that worry the parent everyday is :- the kid shit or not? eat or not? sleep or not?? .... he will know 1 day... ^ ^
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