Tuesday, August 23, 2011

电影: 非诚勿扰 2

我非常喜欢 "非诚勿扰" 这套电影. 都看了几遍.

前几天, 在youtube 找些资料, 竟然看到 "非诚勿扰 2".. 就当下开了来看...还是没让我失望的一套戏 :) 很喜欢当中的几个对白 ... 尤其是这一句 :

"一辈子, 很短"

每一个人, 在生命里的每一个阶段, 都在忙着计划该做些什麼, 什麼还没做.. 我门就这忙忙碌碌的过了"一辈子"...

当中有多少个可以活在当下, 活得自在呢?? 我真希望是当中的其中一位. 我不想我短短的一生, 就忙着烦着的没了...

话说的简单, 生活可是一门很深的哲...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pumpkin Huat Kuey

I came across this recipe from one of the blog... found the ingredients and instruction quite simple, i just try to make it.. but i replace the sweet potato with pumpkin as I dont have it in my fridge :p

I steam with my baking tray as I dont have my paper cup... it turned up to be quite nice... just some of the kuey does not smile on top ..

Here my pumpkin Huat Kuey

I had amended a bit on the original recipe...

Ingredients: (make about 7 - 9 cups 100ml size disposal cups)
250g Self Raising Flour (2 cups)
250ml Coconut Milk
1 Medium/Large Egg
1 Big Pieces Of Gula Malaka(Palm Sugar) - 200 gram - 1 cup
50 ml water
3-4 Small Sweet Potato/Pumpkin (about 300g)

1. Wash and steam the sweet potatoes until soft, peel off the skin and use a fork or finger to roughly break into pieces then set aside to cool.
2. I used normal brown sugar. You can use gula melaka if you want(place the 50ml of water and gula malakain a small saucepan and simmer over low heat until completely dissolved). Set aside for it to cool before using.
4. Pour the self-raising flour into a big mixing bowl, then make a well in the center and pour in the coconut milk and whisk a few times before adding in the egg.
5. Kept on whisk until the egg is incorporate into the batter then pour in the syrup and whisk well.
6. The mixture will be sort of like a pancake batter, lastly add in the sweet potato/pumpkin pieces(reserve some for the topping) and stir till combined.
7. Spoon the mixture into a aluminium cup(100ml)/papercup/baking tray then top with some extra sweet potatoes and steam over medium/high heat for about 20 minutes.

Butter cake 牛油蛋糕

I got this recipe from my friend , ZC.While she got from her taiwan friend... good recipe shared among the people from different corner on the earth ya...

A good and super simple and fabulous taste...

Here come Butter Cake. 牛油蛋糕

Flour 1.5 cup
Sugar 1/2 cup
Butter 1/2 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Egg 1
Baking powder 2 teaspoon

1. Preheat your oven with 180c for 5 minute
2. Bake with 180c for 45min


I had learn up a lot of cooking/bakery over in Australia now... just want to note down the recipe ... coz some i had tried few attempts only get it right to what been expected..

Yam cake is my favourite cake since small... I do not like yam except yam cake... now at least i know how to make it for myself... a yummy one...

Here come my 芋头糕

200克粘米粉 - (1 ½ cup)
a bit of salt (REMEMBER)
400g Yam 芋头
30g 虾米,泡软切碎
5 粒 shallots (sliced) 小葱头,切片
4 gloves garlic 蒜头,切抹
50g Cooking Oil食油
650g Water 清水
1 tsp corn flour粟粉
1/4 tsp pepper 糊椒粉
1 tsp five spices powder 五香粉

1. 用油和小火爆香红葱头,待红葱头变成金黄色后洒上少许盐,熄火倒入小碗里备用。Or you can used those ready-made.
2. 将芋头削皮后洗净,一半切丁,另一半刮丝备用。
3. 把粘米粉,粟粉,鸡精粉和糊椒粉混合在一个大碗内然后慢慢倒入650 毫升的清水搅拌均匀。
4. 热锅,加入一汤匙的油,爆香虾米和蒜头 翻炒一下,然后再将芋头块和丝一起放入拌炒。
5. 最后,一边翻炒,一边顺序地倒入米浆水,搅拌成稍微黏浆性,熄火把粉浆倒入涂上油的糕盘里。
6. 隔水用中火蒸大约 30 至 40 分钟(看糕盘大小而定),你可竹签试探看糕点是否还以蒸熟。
7. 等芋头糕冷却,用刀沿锅缘划一圈,取一大盘倒扣即可。