Monday, April 7, 2008


This mommy getting very headache recently.. due to some changes in our initial plan... We had decided to find a bb sitter for my 'coming kid' on July and put my son in full day nursery during our 'work days' ....

Feel worries on that decision made... but i had get some advises from frens on that (they had gone thru the same doubts period previously)... thanks for the advises.. as I can be more 'fong sam' (less worries) for sending my son to full day nursery school... of coz we will start from 1/2 day, later only full day....

Now still have some doubts, but think there is no perfect plan in this world... i will try to get the good nursery school that I can send my son to.... will monitor and see how's thing go on....

{the idea of SAHM been come to my mind for few rounds, but this is really not the time yet... }

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