I bought 'Lagsana' from ColdStorage (Alamanda).. thinking is a 'ready-eat' hahaa.. thought put in oven/microwave ... ~~~ ding ~~~ DONE.
Later found out.. ya.. is Lagsana... but is the 'skin' only..... :(
Bought liao, wat to do... die die got to cook... then 1 day i prepare the souce (spagettie source with chopped onion,carrots..etc) of coz the Cheese ....
my son so happy to help me prepare this... i applied the source, he put the layer up and applied cheese ....and once done.. he so proud to tell the father ...
Hao :"PAPA, i cook this lagsana for you to eat.... you know how to cook or not?"
Papa: "Wow.. you so pandai ah... i dunno how to cook woh"
Hao :"Why you dunno how to cook lagsana? your ma ma no teach you ah?"
Papa: 'Ya lor, my mama no teach me leh, she dunnno cook this "
Hao : "Oh..............." {sounds look down the grandma why dunno how to cook this..:p}
p/s: worst thing is .. i got to repeat prepare/eat the same dish for 2 days... :( This fellow so shiok to prepare and eat.. everyday tell me he wan to cook and eat lagsana... someore tell 'I cook for you ah.. mama"... {duno who going to prepare and wash ???}