Thursday, November 17, 2011

hailing ...

It's been a long time i did not blog around... kind of down and busy with the kids and .... phew~~ houseworks and the routine life with kids is forever never ending ~

This is the 1st hailing i experienced in my life... it was last month/2 mths ago? cant really remember.. i remembered it was a heavy rain, while i was at home with my 2 daughters .. .suddenly i just hear something noisy... while i watch out from my windows... realised there lots of 'white dots' dropping down from sky.... checking my garden.... all over.. spreading around is like a small round ice stuff.... the size is just like the 'sat ku mai' (cantonese) ...

Well... me and my Qin are so excited.. snapping picture and watching and touching the ices ... :)


KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Wow.. looks interesting! But need to be careful as it may hurt people when the "ice" falled down.. haha.. but the pics look nice, great experience!

MY Life Zone said...

KM: ya.. need to be careful... esp our car that park outside :p But really good experienced with it. I remember when i was small.. (primary), Aulong got 1 time heavy rain with healing.. but is the size of the ice all dif one..big and small also got... doesnt look like this.. equally size and shape...