Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Born Diary - 七年之痒

This morning took out a old movie to watch... by Carina Lau, Lau Cheng Wan...七年之痒. If i am not mistaken, i watched this movie few times already, which is the combination of comedy and love story.

Lau Cheng Wan really a good actor, as well as Carina Lau.. I especially love when Cheng Wan act in a comedy.. he really got the talent on that...

The process of Marry is EASY. To hold and maintain a marriage is NOT EASY! Every couple is learning the techniques EVERYDAY!

If both not putting any efforts in their marriage, it will end up very bore as got to repeat the same routine everyday, same conversation everyday ... If only one party is contributing ... it will not work out as well... as 一个手掌拍不响 (Clap one hand will not have any sounds). In order to maintain, need a lot of tolerant, understandings... of coz LOVES.

Learn to love the one you had chosen... He/She is definately not PERFECT, as you have to remember that you are not PERFECT as well :p


KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

I am just passing 七年之痒. Still need to learn and heopfully there will be more 七年,七十年 with my another half. Not easy but we got to grow and learn together.

I remember I watch another 七年之痒 movie, which is acted by 黄百鸣 and 利智 one. DIfferent movie as you described in this posting..:p

MY Life Zone said...

yes... wish you and yr wife 白头到老

me and my hub had 8 yrs + marriage life lao, so fast...

couples sure got arguements, need to find the balanced point of tolerant oh..