Thursday, June 21, 2007


This tag came from Etcetera~mummy. Personally feel is quite an interesting TAG. Been working mum for 1-2 yrs, I have been thinking to be a SAHM as well, when i feel bottleneck between working and house stuff.. really think of that. But when cool down, think another way round..

I believe most of the FTWM have the same feeling like mine.. cannot decide where to go sometimes... we not like men, we concern more stuffs than them... we always try our best to give our famly or kid to have a better environment and make sure everything is in order... haha.. i think men will depends on 'wife' to 'take care' of the family stuffs...

But at this moment, I can say I will prefer to be FTWM... due to:

1. Financial Independent. I prefer to spend my own money .. and I do not need to explain how I spend it, coz is MY OWN MONEY!! Feel good also..hehe.. I do believe if 1 day i become SAHM, i will not spend as how I spend now.. FYI. I am not really shop a lot person. But when I really shop, i can just buy watever I like w/o think twice ... and enjoy the feeling.. I work and I shop using my own 'efforts'... self satisfaction ya... i can buy the toys for my son w/o think twice... coz is my own money...heheh.. no ppl will question how i use it.

2. I am Impatient person. If asking me to stay whole day taking care of kids.. and u know.. kids are naughty.. and maybe not do watever you 'wish to' sometimes. This will drive me mad... Thus i prefer to work, and come back playing with my son or spend the times with him... and I will be more 'patient' as well, coz is only short time ... I will be more care and loves my son ..

3. More personal life. I wil have more own time... when i driving to and from works, listen to my favourite song, favourite hot topics from DJ, have nice lunch with colleagues, more social life and not 'out of track'. Chatting with my frens during working times...chatting include 'web chat' ...kekek...

Of coz ... there are a lot of others fun to be a SAHM, but as i can say... it might be happened to be in my next life milestone, but not yet.

And of coz ... to be a FTWM, i got to rush !!! rush between home and work. There is always pro and con on everything... as long as we must know how to appreciate what we had now and enjoy the way we living now....

Tag someone now:
Jeannie - u going to be FTWM from SAHM .. tell me yr feeling
CutiePrincessMummy - tell me tell me.. wat u choose?
JollyAngle(wokkingMum) - how about u??

1. If u given choice, would u be a SAHM or FTWM? Provie 3 reasons.
2. Include yr post link to the list
3. Tag another 3 mommies

Immomsdaughter prefers to be a SAHM.
Etcetera~Mummy prefers to be a FTWM
3. MyLifeZone prefers to be FTWM.


Ricket said...

Being SAHM is fun at the begining, but as the money and stress starts to build, frustration will come. Many of my friends turned from FTWM to SAHM then back to FTWM in just a few months

CutiePrincessMummy said...

A tag for me ahh? ok, do later la...

MY Life Zone said...

thanks for drop by... i think for working mum, abit hard to turn to SAHM..

do later ok, but remember to do the homework ah..